Privacy Policy:

"AI for Dummies Privacy Policy

Effective Date: [August 9, 2023]

Information We Collect

We do not store or collect personal information. When using the voice-prompted AI feature, the data you provide is sent securely to our servers for processing and is immediately discarded after generating a response.

How We Use Your Information

Your prompts are solely used to deliver an interactive AI response. They are not stored, shared, or utilized for any secondary purpose.

Data Security

Utilizing industry-standard encryption, we ensure the secure transmission of your data. Protecting your information is paramount to us.

Internet Access

The app accesses the internet to process voice and text prompts, ensuring you get the most accurate and updated AI responses.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy might be updated occasionally. Any changes will be posted on this page. Significant updates will be communicated via in-app notifications.

Contact Us

Should you have inquiries or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact our support team at [].

By engaging with 'AI for Dummies', you agree to this Privacy Policy."